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Welcome to Thrive Therapeutics Asheville

Thrive Therapeutics Asheville is a lymphedema and oncology rehabilitation outpatient clinic. We are a group of highly experienced clinicians who bring a combined 100+ years of clinical experience. Our therapists specialize in the provision of manual lymphatic drainage and associated techniques for the prevention and management of lymphedema and oncology rehabilitation.

Through our vast knowledge and extensive hands-on experience, Thrive Therapeutics Asheville is at the forefront of restorative patient care in Western North Carolina.

Thrive Therapeutics specializes in:

• Manual lymphatic drainage and combined
decongestive therapy
• Lymphedema management and prevention
• Pre and post-surgical rehabilitation
• Radiation fibrosis management
• Oncology pre-hab therapy
• Axillary cording management
•Pre & post radiation patient education and
• Chemo-related fatigue management
• Upper extremity post-surgical rehab &
hand therapy
• Manual therapy and scar management
• Compression garment recommendation
and fitting
• Graston Technique
• PORi Technique

In Addition, We Offer

• Hivamat assisted manual lymphatic drainage
• Private treatment rooms
• Assistance with obtaining custom/off-the-shelf compression garments
• One-on-one treatment sessions
• Low Level Laser Therapy (LTU-904)
• Assistance obtaining compression pumps,if recommended

My therapist was professional, caring, meticulous, and knowledgeable, with an infectious personality and a fluid skill set that has made a huge difference in my healing process. I can't recommend Thrive strongly enough!AC

My therapist demonstrated an expertise, that enabled her to offer treatment tailored to my specific needs, leaving me feeling empowered, genuinely cared for, and capable of living a full life beyond my health limitations.MB

Thrive has been a space of incredible healing for me. The warm and nurturing staff create and maintain timely and thorough appointments, it’s remarkable how they do it. Thrive has been a crucial part of my healing journey. I always look forward to my appointments at Thrive, as the staff always go above and beyond to give their patients the care they truly need.AT

“When I came to Thrive I was retaining fluids and was in debilitating pain. My therapist taught me how to treat my symptoms and live a fulfilling life. I highly recommend Thrive!IL

I have been impressed by the entire operation of THRIVE and its staff from the outset. It is a well-run and very attractive space and everyone is welcoming. I highly recommend THRIVEBM

Not only did Thrive Therapeutics help me regain physical strength, but they also fostered an environment of emotional and mental rejuvenation. The positive energy and encouragement I encountered during every session became a vital part of my healing process.NW

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Thrives’ Vision is to provide an exceptional patient care experience as the most reliable partner for therapy services

Thrives’ Mission is to provide therapeutic interventions and education in order to support and inspire healing and wellness by providing comprehensive therapy services to every patient

© 2025 Thrive Therapeutics Asheville - Website Design by: Eyecon Imaging